- Texts
- Translations (chronological)
- Antoine Galland [1704-1717] (French)
- Dom Dennis Chavis & M. Cazotte [1788-89] (French)
- Jonathan Scott [1811] (English)
- Maximilian Habicht [1824-25] (German)
- Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall et al. [1826] (French / German / English)
- Gustav Weil [1837-41] (German)
- Henry W. Torrens [1838] (English)
- Edward William Lane [1839-40] (English)
- John Payne [1882-89] (English)
- Richard F. Burton [1885-88] (English)
- Max Henning [1895-97] (German)
- Andrew Lang [1898] (English)
- Dr. J. C. Mardrus [1899-1904] (French)
- Cary von Karwath [1906-14] (German)
- Laurence Housman [1907-14] (English)
- Enno Littmann [1921-28] (German)
- Felix Tauer [1928-34] (Czech & German)
- M. A. Salye [1929-36] (Russian)
- Francesco Gabrieli [1948] (Italian)
- A. J. Arberry [1953] (English)
- Rafael Cansinos-Asséns [1954-55] (Spanish)
- N. J. Dawood [1954-57] (English)
- Marie Lahy-Hollebecque [1964 & 1981] (French)
- Juan Vernet [1964-67] (Spanish)
- René R. Khawam [1965-67 & 1985-88] (French)
- Husain Haddawy [1990-95] (English)
- Jamel Eddine Bencheikh & André Miquel [1991-2001 & 2005-7] (French)
- Malcolm & Ursula Lyons [2008] (English)
- Salvador Peña Martín [2016] (Spanish)
- Miscellaneous
- Cognate Collections
- Imitations & Tributes
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Alph Laylé Wa Laylé. 4 vols. Beirut: Al-Maktaba Al-Thakafiyat, A.H. 1401 [= 1981].
- Arabic Key Readers. A Thousand and One Nights: Graduated Readings for English Speaking Students – Book 1: Story of the Book, Nights 1 through 9. Retold by Michel Nicola. Troy, Michigan: International Book Centre, 1986.
- Macnaghten, W. H., ed. The Alif Laila, or Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Commonly Known as ‘The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments;’ Now, for the First Time, Published Complete in the Original Arabic, from an Egyptian Manuscript Brought to India by the Late Major Turner Macan, Editor of the Shah-Nameh. 4 vols. Calcutta: W. Thacker, 1839-42.
- Zotenberg, Hermann. Histoire d’Alâ al-Din ou La Lampe Merveilleuse: Texte Arabe publié avec une notice sur quelques manuscrits des Mille et une nuits. Paris; Imprimerie Nationale, 1888.
Antoine Galland (1646-1715) – [12 vols: 1704-1717] (French)
- Galland, Antoine, trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits: Contes arabes traduits par Galland. 12 vols. 1704-17. Ed. Gaston Picard. 2 vols. 1960. Paris: Garnier, 1975.
- Galland, Antoine, trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits: Contes arabes. 12 vols. 1704-17. Ed. Jean Gaulmier. 3 vols. 1965. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1990, 1985, 1991.
- Galland, Antoine, trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits: Le Pêcheur et le Génie; Histoire de Ganem. Ed. Marie-Louise Astre. Étonnants Classiques. Paris: GF-Flammarion, 1995.
- Arabian Nights Entertainments: Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories, Told by the Sultaness of the Indies, to divert the Sultan from the Execution of a bloody Vow he had made to marry a Lady every day, and have her cut off next Morning, to avenge himself for the Disloyalty of his first Sultaness, &c. Containing a better Account of the Customs, Manners, and Religion of the Eastern Nations, viz. Tartars, Persians, and Indians, than is to be met with in any Author hitherto published. Translated into French from the Arabian Mss. by M. Galland of the Royal Academy, and now done into English from the last Paris Edition. London: Andrew Bell, 1706-17. 16th ed. 4 vols. London & Edinburgh: C. Elliot, 1781.
- The Arabian Nights. Illustrated with Engravings from Designs by R. Westall, R. A. 4 vols. London: Printed for C and J. Rivington et al., 1825.
- Forster, Edward, trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. 1812. Rev. G. Moir Bussey. London: J. J. Chidley, 1846.
- The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. [Trans. Antoine Galland]. Sir John Lubbock’s Hundred Books 67. London: Routledge, 1893.
- Galland, A. Las Mil y Una Noches: Cuentos orientales. Trans. Pedro Pedraza y Páez. Biblioteca Hispania. Barcelona: Editorial Ramón Sopena, 1934.
- Mack, Robert L., ed. Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Chavis, Dom, and M. Cazotte, trans. La Suite des Mille et une Nuits, Contes Arabes. Cabinet des Fées 38-41. 4 vols. Geneva: Barde & Manget, 1788-89.
- Scott, Jonathan, trans. Tales, Anecdotes and Letters, translated from the Arabic and Persian. London: Cadell and Davies, 1800.
- Scott, Jonathan, trans. The Arabian Nights Entertainments, Carefully Revised and Occasionally Corrected from the Arabic. 6 vols. London, 1811. [Vol. 6: Tales Selected from the Manuscript copy of the 1001 Nights brought to Europe by Edward Wortley Montague, Esq].
- Habicht, Max., Fr. H. von der Hagen, and Carl Schall, trans. Tausend und Eine Nacht, Arabische Erzählungen. 1824-25. Ed. Karl Martin Schiller. 12 vols. Leipzig: F. W. Hendel, 1926.
- Lamb, George, trans. New Arabian Nights' Entertainments, Selected from the Original Oriental Ms. by J. Von Hammer, and Now First Translated into English. 1826. 3 vols in 1. Milton Keynes, UK: Palala Press, 2015.
- Trébutien, G. S., trans. Contes inédits des Mille et une Nuits, extraits de l’original arabe par M. J. de Hammer. 3 vols. Paris: Dondey-Dupré, 1828.
- Weil, Gustav, trans. Tausendundeine Nacht. 1837-41. Ed. Inge Dreecken. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: R. Löwit, n.d. [c. 1960s]
- Weil, Gustav, trans. Liebesgeschichten aus Tausendundeiner Nacht, übertragen aus dem arabischen Urtext von Gustav Weil: Mit Holzstichen der Ausgabe von 1865. 1837-41. München: Delphin Verlag, 1987.
- Torrens, Henry, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: From the Arabic of the Ægyptian M.S. as edited by Wm Hay Macnaghten, Esqr., Done into English by Henry W. Torrens. Calcutta: W. Thacker & Co. / London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1838. India: Pranava Books, n.d.
- Hume, James, ed. A Selection from the Writings, Prose and Poetical, of the late Henry W. Torrens, Esq., B.A., Bengal Civi Service, and of the Inner Temple; with a Biographical Memoir. 2 vols. Calcutta & London: R. C. Lepage & Co., 1854.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Thousand and One Nights, Commonly Called, in England, The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. A New Translation from the Arabic, with Copious Notes. 3 vols. London: Charles Knight, 1839-41.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Thousand and One Nights; Commonly Called The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Ed. Edward Stanley Poole. 3 vols. 1859. London: Chatto, 1912.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Thousand and One Nights; Commonly Called The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Ed. Edward Stanley Poole. Vol 2 of 3. 1859. London & Cairo: East-West Publications & Livres de France, 1980.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Ed. Stanley Lane-Poole. 4 vols. 1906. Bohn’s Popular Library. London: G. Bell, 1925.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments or The Thousand and One Nights: The Complete, Original Translation of Edward William Lane, with the Translator’s Complete, Original Notes and Commentaries on the Text. New York: Tudor Publishing Co., 1927.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Wood Engravings from Original Designs by William Harvey. London: Chatto and Windus, 1930.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. Stories from the Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments). Ed. Stanley Lane-Poole. The Harvard Classics 16. New York: P. F. Collier, 1909.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. Tales from the Arabian Nights. Ed. E. O. Lorimer. 1946. Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith. 1961. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
- Payne, John, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night; Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic. 9 vols. London: Villon Society, 1882-84.
- Payne, John, trans. Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-’18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work; Now First Done into English. 3 vols. London: Villon Society, 1884.
- Payne, John, trans. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into English from the Recently Discovered Arabic Text. London: Villon Society, 1889.
- Payne, John, trans. Oriental Tales: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night [and other tales]. 1882-97. 15 vols. Herat edition (limited to 500 copies): No. 141. London: Printed for Subscribers Only, 1901.
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night; Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic. 9 vols (London: Villon Society, 1882-84)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 2)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 3)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 4)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 5)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 6)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 7)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 8)
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (vol. 9)
- Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-’18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work; Now First Done into English. 3 vols. (London: Villon Society, 1884)
- Tales from the Arabic (vol. 2)
- Tales from the Arabic (vol. 3)
- Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into English from the Recently Discovered Arabic Text (London: Villon Society, 1889)
- The Persian letters, with introduction and notes, done into English from the original by Montesquieu (London, 1897)
- A Thousand and One Quarters of an Hour and Tartarian Tales, by Thomas Simon Gueulette (London, 1897)
- Payne, John, trans. The Portable Arabian Nights. 1882-1884. Ed. Joseph Campbell. 1952. New York: The Viking Press, 1963.
- Payne, John, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. 1882-1884. Publisher's Note by Steven Moore. 3 vols. Ann Arbor, MI: Borders Classics, 2007.
- Burton, Richard F, trans. A Plain and Literal Translation of The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, Now Entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: With Introduction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights. 10 vols. Benares [= Stoke-Newington]: Kamashastra Society, 1885. N.p. [= Boston]: The Burton Club, n.d.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night with Notes Anthropological and Explanatory. 6 vols. Benares [= Stoke-Newington]: Kamashastra Society, 1886-88. 7 vols.[1] N.p. [= Boston]: The Burton Club, n.d.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments. 1885. 10 vols. U.S.A.: The Burton Club, n.d. [c.1940s].
- Burton, Richard F., trans. Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand and One Nights with Notes Anthropological and Explanatory. 1886-88. 6 vols. U.S.A..: The Burton Club, n.d. [c. 1940s].
- Burton, Richard F., trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments. 1885. Decorated with 1001 Illustrations by Valenti Angelo. 3 vols. New York: The Heritage Press, 1934.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments. 1885. Decorated with 1001 Illustrations by Valenti Angelo. 3 vols. 1934. The Heritage Press. New York: The George Macy Companies, Inc., 1962.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, or The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Selection of the Most Famous and Representative of these Tales. Ed. Bennett A Cerf. 1932. Introductory Essay by Ben Ray Redman. New York: Modern Library, 1959.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Selection. Ed. P. H. Newby. 1950. London: Arthur Barker, 1953.
- Burton, Sir Richard, trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Notes by Henry Torrens, Edward Lane, John Payne. Illustrations by Arthur Szyk. 1955. The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written. Norwalk, Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1983.
- Burton, Richard F., trans. More Stories from the Arabian Nights. Ed. Julian Franklyn. London: Arthur Barker, 1957.
- Burton, Richard F. Love, War and Fancy: The Customs and Manners of the East from Writings on The Arabian Nights. Ed. Kenneth Walker. 1884. London: Kimber Paperback Library, 1964.
- Chagall, Marc, illus. Arabian Nights: Four Tales from a Thousand and One Nights. Introduction by Norbert Nobis. Trans. Richard F. Burton. Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1988.
- Zipes, Jack, ed. Arabian Nights: The Marvels and Wonders of the Thousand and One Nights, Adapted from Richard F. Burton’s Unexpurgated Translation. Signet Classic. New York: Penguin, 1991.
- Zipes, Jack, ed. Arabian Nights, Volume II: More Marvels and Wonders of the Thousand and One Nights, Adapted from Sir Richard F. Burton’s Unexpurgated Translation. Signet Classic. New York: New American Library, 1999.
- Henning, Max, trans. Tausend und eine Nacht. Aus dem Arabischen übertragen. 24 vols. Leipzig: Reclam, 1895-99.
- Henning, Max, trans. Tausend und eine Nacht. 1895-99. Ed. Hans W. Fischer. Berlin & Darmstadt: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1957.
- Lang, Andrew, ed. Tales from the Arabian Nights. Illustrated by H. J. Ford. 1898. London: Wordsworth Classics, 1993.
- Lang, Andrew, trans. Tales from The Arabian Nights. 1898. Illustrated by Edmond Dulac. Afterword by Pete Hamill. The World’s Best Reading. Sydney & Auckland: Reader’s Digest, 1991.
- Mardrus, Dr. J. C., trans. Le Livre des Mille et une Nuits. 16 vols. Paris: Édition de la Revue blanche, 1899-1904. Ed. Marc Fumaroli. 2 vols. Paris: Laffont, 1989.
- Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente. El libro de las mil noches y una noche, traducción desde la versión francesa de J. C. Mardrus. 1889. 6 vols. Valencia: Editorial Prometeo, 1916.
- Mathers, Edward Powys, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: Rendered from the Literal and Complete Version of Dr. J. C. Mardrus; and Collated with Other Sources. 1923. 8 vols. London: The Casanova Society, 1929.
- Mathers, E. Powys. Sung to Shahryar: Poems from the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. London: The Casanova Society, 1925.
- Mathers, E. Powys, trans. Arabian Love Tales: Being Romances Drawn from the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Rendered into English from the Literal French Translation of Dr. J. C. Mardrus. Illustrated by Lettice Sandford. London: The Folio Society, 1949.
- Mathers, E. Powys, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: Rendered into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Dr. J. C. Mardrus. 4 vols. 1949. 2nd ed. 1964. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972.
- Mathers, E. Powys, trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: Rendered into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Dr. J. C. Mardrus. 4 vols. 1949. 2nd ed. 1964. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986.
- The Arabian Nights: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Rendered into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Dr. J. C. Mardrus by Powys Mathers. Introduction by Marina Warner. 6 vols. London: The Folio Society, 2003.
- Vol. 1: with 8 colour illustrations by Kay Nielsen, 375 pp.
- Vol. 2: with 8 colour illustrations by Grahame Baker, 424 pp.
- Vol. 3: with 8 colour illustrations by Debra McFarlane, 424 pp.
- Vol. 4: with 8 colour illustrations by Roman Pisarev, 424 pp.
- Vol. 5: with 8 colour illustrations by Jane Ray, 431 pp.
- Vol. 6: with 8 colour illustrations by Neil Packer, 448 pp.
- Sanz del Valle, Eugenio, Alfredo Domínguez, & Luis Aguirre Prado, trans. Las Mil y Una Noches: Desde la versión de J. C. Mardrus. Ilustraciones por J. Narro. 2 vols. Madrid: Nauta, 1967.
- Karwath, Cary Von, trans. 1001 Nacht: Vollständige Ausgabe in 18 Taschenbüchern mit einem Zusatzband: Nach dem arabischen Urtext angeordnet und übertragen von Cary von Karwath. 1906-14. 19 vols. München: Goldmann Verlag, 1987.
- Housman, Laurence. Stories from the Arabian Nights. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. 1907. New York: Doran, n.d.
- Housman, Laurence. Sindbad the Sailor and Other Stories from the Arabian Nights. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. 1907. Weathervane Books. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1978.
- Littmann, Enno, trans. Die Erzählungen aus den Tausendundein Nächten: Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe in zwölf Teilbänden zum ersten mal nach dem arabischen Urtext der Calcuttaer Ausgabe aus dem Jahre 1839 übertragen von Enno Littmann. 1921-28. 2nd ed. 1953. 6 vols in 12. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1976.
- Littmann, Enno, trans. Geschichten der Liebe aus den 1001 Nächten: Aus dem arabischen Urtext übertragen von Enno Littmann. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1973.
- Tauer, Felix, trans. Tisíc a Jedna Noc. 1928-34. 5 vols. 1973. Praha: Ikar, 2001.
- Tauer, Felix, trans. Erotische Geschichten aus den tausendundein Nächten: Aus dem arabischen Urtext der Wortley Montague-Handschrift übertragen und herausgegeben von Felix Tauer. 1966. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1983.
- Tauer, Felix, trans. Neue Erzählungen aus den Tausendundein Nächten: Die in anderen Versionen von »1001 Nacht« nicht enthaltenen Geschichten der Wortley-Montague-Handschrift der Oxforder Bodleian Library; Aus dem arabischen Urtext vollständig übertragen und erläutert von Felix Tauer. 2 vols. 1982. Frankfurt am Main: Insel Verlag, 1989.
- Salye, M. A., trans. Тысяча и Одна Ночь. Vol 1: Nights 1-107. 1929-36. 6 vols. Санкт-Петербург: «Кристалл», 2000.
- Salye, M. A., trans. Тысяча и Одна Ночь. Vol 2: Nights 108-270. 1929-36. 6 vols. Санкт-Петербург: «Кристалл», 2000.
- Salye, M. A., trans. Тысяча и Одна Ночь. Vol 3: Nights 271-468. 1929-36. 6 vols. Санкт-Петербург: «Кристалл», 2000.
- Salye, M. A., trans. Тысяча и Одна Ночь. Vol 5: Nights 681-845. 1929-36. 6 vols. Санкт-Петербург: «Кристалл», 2000.
- Gabrieli, Francesco, ed. Le mille e una notte: Prima versione integrale dall’arabo. Trans. Francesco Gabrieli, Antonio Cesaro, Constantino Pansera, Umberto Rizzitano and Virginia Vacca. 1948. Gli struzzi 35. 4 vols. Torino: Einaudi, 1972.
- Faccioli, Emilio, ed. Le mille e una notte: Scelta di racconti. Dall’edizione integrale diretta da Francesco Gabrieli. Letture per la Scuola Media 56. Torino: Einaudi, 1980.
- Arberry, A. J., trans. Scheherazade: Tales from the Thousand and One Nights. London: Allen and Unwin, 1953.
- Arberry, A. J., trans. Scheherazade: Tales from the Thousand and One Nights. Illustrations by Asgeir Scott. 1953. A Mentor Book. New York: New American Library, 1955.
- Cansinos Asséns, Rafael, trans. Libro de las mil y una noches, por primera vez puestas en castellano del árabe original. Prologadas, anotadas y cotejadas con las principales versiones en otras lenguas y en la vernácula por Rafael Cansinos Asséns. 3 vols. 1954-55. Mexico: Aguilar, 1990.
- Dawood, N. J., trans. The Thousand and One Nights: The Hunchback, Sindbad, and Other Tales. Penguin 1001. 1954. Penguin Classics L64. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1955.
- Dawood, N. J., trans. Aladdin and Other Tales from The Thousand and One Nights. Penguin Classics L71. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957.
- Dawood, N. J., trans. Tales from the Thousand and One Nights. 1954-57. 2nd ed. 1973. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
- Lahy-Hollebecque, Marie, trans. Les mille et une nuits. Texte intégral traduit sous la direction de Mme Marie Lahy-Hollebecque avec la collaboration de Henriette Valot, Evelyne Powers, Si Mohammed Kholti, Olivier Lange, Tahar Zniber. Préface par Paul Morand. Illustrations en couleurs de Roger Chapelain-Midy gravées sur bois par Gilbert Poilliot et Henri Renaud. Compositions décoratives de Dominique Amat. 8 vols. 1964. Paris: Union Latine d'Editions, 1981.
- Vernet, Juan, trans. Las Mil y Una Noches. 3 vols. Clásicos Planeta. Barcelona, Editorial Planeta, 1964-67.
- Khawam, René R., trans. Les Mille et une nuits. Traduction Nouvelle et Complète faite sur les Manuscrits par René R. Khawam. 4 Vols. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1965-67.
- Khawam, René R., trans. Les Mille et une nuits. 4 vols. 1965-67. 2nd ed. 1986. Paris: Presses Pocket, 1989.
- Khawam, René R., trans. Les Aventures de Sindbad le Marin. Paris: Phébus, 1985.
- Khawam, René R., trans. Les Aventures de Sindbad le Terrien. Paris: Phébus, 1986.
- Khawam, René R., trans. Le Roman d’Aladin. Paris: Phébus, 1988.
- Cantera, Gregorio, trans. Las mil y una noches: Versión de René R. Khawam. Barcelona, Edhasa, 2007.
- Haddawy, Husain, trans. The Arabian Nights: Based on the Text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian Manuscript edited by Muhsin Mahdi. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1990.
- Haddawy, Husain, trans. The Arabian Nights: Based on the Text of the Fourteenth-Century Syrian Manuscript edited by Muhsin Mahdi. 1990. Everyman’s Library 87. London: David Campbell, 1992.
- Haddawy, Husain, trans. The Arabian Nights II: Sindbad and Other Popular Stories. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1995.
- Heller-Roazen, Daniel, ed. The Arabian Nights. The Husain Haddaway Translation Based on the Text Edited by Muhsin Mahdi: Contexts, Criticism. 1990 & 1995. A Norton Critical Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010.
- Miquel, André. Un Conte des Mille et Une Nuits: Ajîb et Gharîb (Traduction et perspectives d’analyse). Paris: Flammarion, 1977.
- Miquel, André. Sept contes des Mille et Une Nuits, ou Il n’y a pas de contes innocents, suivi d’entretiens autour de Jamaleddine Bencheikh et Claude Brémond. Paris: Sindbad, 1981.
- Bremond, Claude, ed. Les Dames de Bagdad: Conte des Mille et une nuits. Trans. André Miquel / Claude Bremond, A Chraïbi, A. Larue, and M. Sironval. La Nébuleuse du conte: Essai sur les premiers contes de Galland. Paris: Desjonquères, 1991.
- Bencheikh, Jamel Eddine, and André Miquel, ed. Les Mille et Une Nuits: Contes choisis. Trans. Jamel Eddine Bencheikh, André Miquel & Touhami Bencheikh. 2 vols. Folio 2256-57. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.
- Bencheikh, Jamel Eddine, and André Miquel, ed & trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits: Contes choisis III. Folio 2775. Paris: Gallimard, 1996.
- Bencheikh, Jamel Eddine, and André Miquel, ed & trans. Sindbâd de la mer et autres contes des Mille et Une Nuits: Contes choisis IV. Folio 3581. Paris: Gallimard, 2001.
- Bencheikh, Jamel Eddine, and André Miquel, trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits. 3 vols. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: Gallimard, 2005-7.
- Album Mille et Une Nuits: Iconographie. Choisie et commentée par Margaret Sironval. Albums de la Pléiade, 44. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: Gallimard, 2005.
- Lyons, Malcolm & Ursula, trans. The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights. Introduction by Robert Irwin. 3 vols. Penguin Classics Hardback. London: Penguin, 2008.
- Lyons, Malcolm & Ursula, trans. Three Tales from The Arabian Nights. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 2008.
- Lyons, Malcolm & Ursula, trans. The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights. Volume 1: Nights 1 to 294. Introduction by Robert Irwin. 3 vols. 2008. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2010.
- Lyons, Malcolm & Ursula, trans. The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights. Volume 2: Nights 295 to 719. Introduced & Annotated by Robert Irwin. 3 vols. 2008. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2010.
- Lyons, Malcolm & Ursula, trans. The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights. Volume 3: Nights 719 to 1001. Introduction by Robert Irwin. 3 vols. 2008. Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2010.
- Peña Martín, Salvador, trans. Mil y una noches. 4 vols. 2016. Madrid: Editorial Verbum, 2018.
- Blyton, Enid. Tales from the Arabian Nights. Illustrated by Anne & Janet Johnstone. 1951. London: Latimer House, 1956.
- Bull, René, illus. The Arabian Nights. Children’s Classics. Bath: Robert Frederick, 1994.
- Chraibi, Aboubakr. Contes nouveaux des 1001 nuits: Étude du manuscript Reinhardt. Paris: J. Maisonneuve, 1996.
- Gauttier, Edouard, trans. Les Mille et une nuits, contes arabes, traduits en français par Galland. Nouvelle édition revue ... avec les continuations et plusieurs contes, traduits pour la première fois du persan, du turc et de l’arabe. 7 vols. Paris: Société de traduction, 1822-23.
- Greve, Felix Paul, trans. Die Erzählungen aus den Tausend und ein Nächten. Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe ... aug Grund der Burton’schen englischen Ausgabe. 12 vols. Leipzig: Insel, 1907-08.
- Guerne, A., trans. Les Mille et Une Nuits. 6 vols. Paris, 1966.
- Gutiérrez-Larraya, Juan Antonio & Leonor Martínez Martín, trans. Las mil y una noches. 3 vols. Barcelona: Argos Vergara, 1965.
- Hanley, Sylvanus. Caliphs and Sultans, Being Tales Omitted in the Usual Editions of the Arabian Nights Entertainments; rewritten and rearranged. London: L. Reeve, 1868.
- Kirby, W. F. The New Arabian Nights. Select Tales, not included by Galland or Lane. London: W. Swan Sonnenschein, 1882.
- Ouyang, Wen-Ching, & Paulo Lemos Horta, ed. The Arabian Nights: An Anthology. Everyman’s Library 361. A Borzoi Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.
- Samsó, Julio, trans. Antología de Las Mil y Una Noches. Libro de Bolsillo: Clásicos 599. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1975.
- Scott, Anne, ed. Tales from the Arabian Nights. Retold by Vladimir Hulpach. Trans. Vera Gissing. Illustrated by Mária Zelibská. London: Cathay Books, 1981.
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas & Nora A. Smith, eds. The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1996.
- Williams-Ellis, Amabel. The Arabian Nights Stories Retold. 1957. London: Blackie, 1972.
Denis Chavis & Jacques Cazotte (fl. 1780s / 1719-1792) – [4 vols: 1788-89] (French)
Jonathan Scott (1754–1829) – [6 vols: 1811] (English)
Maximilian Habicht et al. (1775-1839) – [15 vols: 1824-25] (German)
Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall / Guillaume-Stanislas Trébutien / George Lamb (1774-1856 / 1800-1870 / 1784-1834) – [3 vols: 1826] (German / French / English)
Gustav Weil (1808-1889) – [4 vols: 1837-41] (German)
Henry Whitelock Torrens (1806-1852) – [1 vol: 1838] (English)
Edward William Lane (1801-1876) – [3 vols: 1839-40] (English)
John Payne (1842-1916) – [13 vols: 1882-89] (English)
Richard F. Burton (1821-1890) – [16 vols: 1885-88] (English)
Max Henning (1861-1927) – [24 vols: 1895-97] (German)
Andrew Lang (1844-1912) – [1 vol: 1898] (English)
Dr. J. C. Mardrus (1868–1949) – [16 vols: 1899-1904] (French)
Cary von Karwath (?) – [19 vols: 1906-14] (German)
Laurence Housman (1865-1959) – [4 vols: 1907-14] (English)
Enno Littmann (1875-1958) – [6 vols: 1921-28] (German)
Felix Tauer (1893-1981) – [5 vols: 1928-34] (Czech & German)
Mikhail Alexandrovich Salye (1899-1961) – [8 vols: 1929-36] (Russian)
Francesco Gabrieli (1904-1996) – [4 vols: 1948] (Italian)
Arthur John Arberry (1905-1969) – [1 vol: 1953] (English)
Rafael Cansinos-Asséns (1882-1964) – [3 vols: 1954-55] (Spanish)
Nessim Joseph Dawood (1927-2014) – [2 vols: 1954-57] (English)
Marie Lahy-Hollebecque (1881-1957) – [8 vols: 1964 & 1981] (French)
Juan Vernet i Ginés (1923-2011) – [3 vols: 1964-67] (Spanish)
René R. Khawam (1917-2004) – [7 vols: 1965-67 & 1985-88] (French)
Husain Haddawy (?) – [2 vols: 1990-95] (English)
Jamel Eddine Bencheikh & André Miquel (1930-2005 / 1929- ) – [10 vols: 1977-2001 & 2005-7] (French)
Prof. Malcolm C. & Dr. Ursula Lyons (1929-2019 / ?-2016) – [3 vols: 2008] (English)

Salvador Peña Martín (1958- ) – [4 vols: 2016] (Spanish)
- Muhammad Diyab al-Atlidi (c.17th century)
- Al-Hariri of Basra (1054-1122)
- Al-Mas'udi (c.896-956)
- 'Antar (525-608)
- Ahmad Ibrahim Faqih (1942-2019)
- A Hundred and One Nights [Kitâb Fîhi Hadîth Mi'a Layla wa-Layla] (c.1235)
- Kalīla wa-Dimna (c.8th century)
- Naguib Mahfouz (1911-2006)
- Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nefzawi (c.15th century)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Clerk, Mrs. Godfrey, trans. Ilâm-en-Nâs. Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Kalîfahs. London: Henry S. King, 1873.
- Shah, Amina, trans. The Assemblies of Al-Hariri: Fifty Encounters with the Shaykh Abu Zayd of Seruj. London: The Octagon Press, 1980.
- Mas'ūdī. From The Meadows of Gold. Trans. Paul Lunde & Caroline Stone. Penguin Great Journeys, 2. London: Penguin, 2007.
- Richmond, Diana. ’Antar and ’Abla, A Bedouin Romance: Rewritten and Arranged by Diana Richmond. London: Quartet Books, 1978.
- Faqih, Ahmad. Gardens of the Night: A Trilogy. Trans. Russell Harris, Amin al-Ayouti & Suraya Allam. London: Quartet Books, 1995.
- Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M., trans. Les Cent et une Nuits. 1911. Bibliothèque Arabe. Paris: Sinbad, 1982.
- Benalmocaffa, Abdalá. Calila y Dimna. Introducción, traducción y notas de Marcelino Villegas. Libro de Bolsillo: Clásicos 1512. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1991.
- Kalila and Dimna: Selected Fables of Bidpai. Retold by Ramsay Wood. Introduction by Doris Lessing. 1980. London: Granada, 1982.
- Mahfouz, Naguib. Arabian Nights and Days. 1982. Trans. Denys Johnson-Davies. New York: Doubleday, 1995.
- Nefzawi, Shaykh. The Perfumed Garden. Trans. Richard F. Burton. 1886. Ed. Alan Hull Walton. 1963. London: Panther, 1966.
- Nefzawi, Shaykh. The Glory of the Perfumed Garden: The Missing Flowers. An English Translation from the Arabic of the Second and Hitherto Unpublished Part of Shaykh Nafzawi’s Perfumed Garden. Trans. H. E. J. 1975. London: Granada, 1978.
- Besson, Gisèle, and Michèle Brossard-André, trans. Le Livre de l’échelle de Mahomet: Liber Scale Machometi. Préface de Roger Arnaldez. Lettres Gothiques. Paris: Livre de Poche, 1991.
- Irwin, Robert. Night & Horses & The Desert: An Anthology of Classical Arabic Literature. Harmondsworth: Allen Lane the Penguin Press, 1999.
- Kritzeck, James, ed. Anthology of Islamic Literature: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times. Harmondsworth: Pelican Books, 1964
- Lewis, Bernard. The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam. 1967. Preface by the Author. 2003. London: The Folio Society, 2006.
- Lichtenstadtler, Ilse. Introduction to Classical Arabic Literature, with Selections from representative Works in English Translation. 1974. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.
- Lyons, Malcom C., trans. Tales of the Marvellous and News of the Strange. Introduction by Robert Irwin. Penguin Classics. 2014. London: Penguin Random House UK, 2015.
- Mardrus, Dr J. C. The Queen of Sheba: Translated into French from his own Arabic Text. Trans. E. Powys Mathers. London: The Casanova Society, n.d. [1924].
- Ullah, Najib. Islamic Literature: An Introductory History with Selections. New York: Washington Square P, 1963.
- Mir Amman (c.17th century-18th century)
- The Jātaka Tales (c.5th century)
- Kalyana Malla (c.15th-16th century)
- Narayana (c.12th century)
- The Pañcatantra (c.3rd century BC)
- The Simhāsana Dvātrimśikā (c.12th century)
- Śivadāsa (c.12th-14th century)
- Somadeva (c.11th century)
- Mallanaga Vātsyāyana (c.4th-6th century)
- Anthologies & Secondary Literature
- Mir Amman. A Tale of Four Dervishes. Translated from the Urdu with an Introduction by Mohammed Zakir. Penguin Classics. New Delhi: Penguin, 1994.
- Rhys Davids, T. W. trans. Buddhist Birth-Stories (Jātaka Tales): The Commentarial Introduction Entitled Nidāna-Kathā, The Story of the Lineage. 1880. Broadway Translations. London & New York: Routledge & Dutton, 1925.
- Cowell, E. B., ed. The Jātaka, or Stories of the Buddha’s Former Births. Trans. R. Chambers, W. H. D. Rouse, H. T. Francis & R. A. Neil, W. H. D. Rouse, H. T. Francis, E. B. Cowell & W. H. D. Rouse. 6 vols in 3. 1895-1907. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1990.
- The Ananga Ranga of Kalyana Malla and The Symposium of Plato. Trans. Richard F. Burton & F. F. Arbuthnot, and Benjamin Jowett. 1885 & 1871. Kimber Pocket Editions. London: William Kimber & Co., Ltd., 1963.
- Chandiramani, G. L., trans. The Hitopadesha: An Ancient Fabled Classic. 1995. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House, 1999.
- Ryder, Arthur W., trans. The Panchatantra. 1925. Chicago: Phoenix Books, 1964.
- Edgerton, Franklin, trans. The Panchatantra. London: Allen & Unwin, 1965.
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- Olivelle, Patrick, trans. The Pañcatantra: The Book of India’s Folk Wisdom. The World’s Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Edgerton, Franklin, ed. & trans. Vikrama’s Adventures, or the Thirty-two Tales of the Throne. Harvard Oriental Series, ed. Charles Rockwell Lanman, 26 & 27. 1926. 2 vols. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1993.
- Haksar, A. N. D., trans. Simhāsana Dvātrimśikā: Thirty-two Tales of the Throne of Vikramaditya. New Delhi: Penguin, 1998.
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- Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1209)
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- Sa'ad ad-Din Varavini (c. 13th century
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- McCarthy, J., trans. The Thousand and One Days: Persian Tales. 2 Vols. London: Chatto, 1892.
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- Basile, Giovanni Batiste. Il Pentamerone: or The Tale of Tales. Trans. Richard F. Burton. 1893. New York: Liveright, 1932.
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- Mathers, Edward Powys, trans. The Anthology of Eastern Love. Engravings by Hester Sainsbury. 12 vols in 4. London: John Rodker, 1927-30.
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- The Harlot’s Breviary: English Version of the Samayamātrikā of Kshemendra (1927)
- The Book of Women & Education of Wives: English Versions of the Zenan-Nameh of Fazil-Bey & Ta’dīb ul-Nisvān (1927)
- Vol. II - The Young Wives’ Tale & Tales of Fez: English Versions of the Kissat al-‘Arā’is Al-Sabīya of Amor ben Amar & Tales of Fez from the Arabic (1927)
- The Loves of Rādhā and Krishna & Amores: English Versions from the Bengali of Chandīdāsa & from the Sanskrit of Amaru and Mayūra (1928)
- Love Stories and Gallant Tales from the Chinese: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1928)
- Vol. III - Comrade Loves of the Samurai by Saīkaku Ihara & Songs of the Geishas: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1928)
- Ninety Short Tales of Love and Women from the Arabic: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1928)
- The Loves of Dāsīn and Musag-ag-Amāstān from the Tamashek & Camel-boy Rhythms from the Arabic: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1929)
- Vol. IV - Love Tales of Cambodia & Songs of the Love Nights of Lao: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1929)
- Anthology of Eastern Love I: English Versions by E. Powys Mathers (1929)
- Anthology of Eastern Love II: English Versions & Terminal Essays by E. Powys Mathers (1930)
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- Goossens, Roger. “Autour de Digénis Akritas. La ‘Geste d’Omar’ dans Les Mille et Une Nuits.” Byzantion 7 (1932): 303-16.
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- Grotzfeld, Heinz. “Neglected Conclusions of the Arabian Nights: Gleanings in Forgotten and Overlooked Recensions.” Journal of Arabic Literature 16 (1985): 73-87.
- Grunebaum, Gustave E. Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation. 1946. Phoenix Books 69. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1962.
- Hackford, Terry Reece. “Fantastic Visions: Illustration of the Arabian Nights.” The Aesthetics of Fantasy Literature and Art. Ed. Roger C. Schlobin. Indiana: U of Notre Dame P; Sussex; Harvester P, 1982. 143-75.
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- Irwin, Robert. The Arabian Nights: A Companion. London: Allen Lane, 1994.
- Jones, H. S. V. “The Squire’s Tale.” Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Ed. W. F. Bryan and Germaine Dempster. 1941. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958. 357-76.
- Kirby, W. F. “The Forbidden Doors of the Thousand and One Nights.” Folklore Journal 5 (1887) 112-24.
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- Kilito, Abdelfattah. L’oeil et l’aiguille: Essai sur “les mille et une nuits.” Textes à l’appui: série islam et société. Paris: Editions la Découverte, 1992.
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- MacDonald, Duncan B. “Maximilian Habicht and His Recension of the Thousand and One Nights.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1909) 689-704.
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- MacDonald, Duncan B. “A Preliminary Classification of Some Mss. of the Arabian Nights.” A Volume of Oriental Studies Presented to Edward G. Browne. Ed. T. W. Arnold and Reynold A. Nicholson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1922. 304-21.
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- Pinault, David. Story-Telling Techniques in the Arabian Nights. Studies in Arabic Literature 15. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992.
- General
- Allen, Roger. The Arabic Novel: An Historical and Critical Introduction. New York: Syracuse UP, 1982.
- Arnold, Sir Thomas, and Alfred Guillaume, ed. The Legacy of Islam. 1931. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1945.
- Berchet, Jean-Claude. Le Voyage en Orient: Anthologie des voyageurs français dans le Levant au XIXe siècle. 1985. Paris: Laffont, 1989.
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- Brodie, Fawn M. The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton. 1967. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971
- Daniel, Norman. Islam and the West: The Making of an Image. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1958.
- Edwardes, Allen, and R. E. L. Masters. The Cradle of Erotica: A Study of Afro-Asian Sexual Expression and an Analysis of Erotic Freedom in Social Relationships. 1962. New York: Julian P, 1966.
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- Harrison, William. Burton and Speke. 1982. London: Star, 1985.
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- Hitti, Philip K. Islam and the West: A Historical Cultural Survey. Anvil Original 63. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand, 1962.
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- Nicholson, Reynold A. A Literary History of the Arabs. 1907. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969.
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- Rice, Edward. Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: The Secret Agent Who Made the Pilgrimage to Mecca, Discovered the Kama Sutra, and Brought the Arabian Nights to the West. 1990. New York: HarperPerennial, 1991.
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- Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. London: Chatto, 1993.
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- Schacht, Joseph, and C. E. Bosworth, ed. The Legacy of Islam. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.
- Schwab, Raymond. The Oriental Renaissance: Europe’s Rediscovery of India and the East. 1950. Trans. Gene Patterson-Black and Victor Reinking. New York: Columbia UP, 1984.
- Shah, Idries. The Sufis. 1964. London: Star, 1977.
- Southern, R. W. Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1962.
- Thompson, Stith. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books and Local Legends. 1932-36. Rev. ed. 6 vols. Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1955-58.
Muhammad Diyab al-Atlidi (c.17th century)
Al-Hariri of Basra [Abū Muhammad al-Qāsim ibn Alī ibn Muhammad ibn Uthmān al-Harīrī] (1054-1122)
Al-Mas'udi [ʾAbū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī al-Masʿūdī] (c.896-956)
'Antar [Antarah ibn Shaddad al-Absi] (525-608)
Ahmed Ibrahim al-Fagih [’áħmad 'Ibrāhīm al-faqīh] (1942-2019)
A Hundred and One Nights [Kitâb Fîhi Hadîth Mi'a Layla wa-Layla] (c.1235)
Kalīla wa-Dimna (c.8th century)
Naguib Mahfouz [Najīb Maḥfūẓ] (1911-2006)
Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nefzawi (c.15th century)
Anthologies & Secondary Literature
Mir Amman (c.17th-18th century)
The Jātaka Tales (c.5th century)
Kalyana Malla (c.15th-16th century)
Narayana (c.12th century)
The Panchatantra [Pañcatantra] (c.3rd century BC)
The Simhāsana Dvātrimśikā [Thirty-two Tales of the Throne] (c.12th century)
Śivadāsa (c.12th-14th century)
Somadeva (c.11th century)
Mallanaga Vātsyāyana (c.4th-6th century)
Anthologies & Secondary Literature:
Farīd ud-Dīn ʿAṭṭār (1145-1221)
Hakīm Abul-Qāsim Ferdowsī Tūsī (940-1021)
Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1209)
Abū-Muhammad Muslih al-Dīn bin Abdallāh Shīrāzī, Saadi Shirazi [(1210-1291)
Sa'ad ad-Din Varavini (c. 13th century)
Anthologies & Secondary Literature:
1. Volume 3 of the original Supplemental Nights has been split into two in this reissue. The pagination, however, remains continuous. For further details consult Norman M. Penzer, An Annotated Bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton (London: Philpot, 1923) 131-32.
Robert Louis Stevenson put the Arabian Nights among his favourite books on several occasions. In an unpublished essay written c. 1883, he lists a series of "eternal books" to be included in "the ideal house". These include "the _Arabian Nights_, and kindred stories, in Weber's solemn volumes".
Since I'm in the progress of editing Stevenson's essays, I need to explain this reference--but I can't find a publisher/translator/editor of the Arabian Nights before 1883 called Weber, nor dO I understand "and kindred stories".
The description ("and kindred stories") would cover a publication such as your Bibliography item 43 (Scott, Jonathan, trans. Tales, Anecdotes and Letters, translated from the Arabic and Persian. London: Cadell and Davies, 1800) - but there's no "Weber" in there.
I'm beginning to think that "Weber" may be a typo or misreading. Does the name, or one of the same length with some of the same letters, ring a bell with the experts?
Further clue: in the essay 'A Penny Plain and Twopence Coloured', RLS remembers the evening of his childhood "when I brought back with me the ARABIAN ENTERTAINMENTS in the fat, old, double-columned volume with the prints." (But perhaps he's referring to another edition: he mentions a single volume which doesn't seem 'stately'.)
Richard Dury
Dear Richard,
Stevenson's reference is definitely to Henry Weber's Tales of the East: comprising the most popular Romances of Oriental origin, and the best imitations by European authors, with new translations and additional tales never before published, 3 vols (Edinburgh, 1812). You'll find it listed in my chronology under "Principal Translations."
I don't have a copy myself (though I'd very much like one), but I did check through the edition in the Edinburgh University Library when I was last there.
Weber includes Galland's version of the Arabian Nights in his first volume, but also adds a series of other eastern tales in the subsequent volumes: Petis de la Croix's Persian Tales, the Mogul Tales, Turkish Tales, Tartarian Tales [sic], Chinese Tales, Nourjahad, The Tales of the Genii, etc. It's a very compendious work of roughly 2,000 pages in 3 "solemn volumes" (as Stevenson puts it).
I suspect the later reference to the "fat old double-columned volume with the prints" is to one of the many single-volume editions of the English translation of Galland (such as my no. 18 in the Bibliography above).
We are trying to find out the value of a German version of 1001 Arabian night which is written in German. There is no date when published, however there is a subscription written dated 1938. Any help would be appreciated?
Thank you
Dear Amanda,
Hard to say, really: there are so many German translations of the Nights! Weil's has been often reprinted, but so have many others. As far as the value goes, it would depend on a host of factors such as rarity, illustrations, etc.
yours, jack
Dear Jack,
Thank you
Was really trying to persuade the owner to have them insured.
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