Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A List of Stories in the 1001 Nights

[Arabic graffiti]


List of Abbreviations:

  • [Anderson] = Anderson's recension of the Wortley-Montague Ms.
  • [B] = Breslau Edition, 12 vols (1825-43)
  • [Bulaq] = Bulaq Edition, 2 vols (1835)
  • [Burton] = Burton Translation, 16 vols (1885-88)
  • [C1] = First Calcutta Edition, 2 vols (1814-18)
  • [Calc. 2] = Macnaghten or Second Calcutta Edition, 4 vols (1839-42)
  • [Chauvin] = Victor Chauvin, Bibliographie des ouvrages arabes, 12 vols (1892-1922)
  • [Ch] = Chavis and Cazotte Translation, 4 vols (1788-89)
  • [D] = Les Dames de Bagdad, trans. André Miquel (1991)
  • [Encyclopedia] = Ulrich Marzolph and Richard van Leeuwen, ed. Arabian Nights Encyclopedia, 2 vols (2004), 2: 743-82
  • [Eliséef] = Nikita Eliséef, Thèmes et Motifs des Mille et Une Nuits (1949: 190-205)
  • [Galland] = Galland Translation, 12 vols (1704-17)
  • [Gerhardt] = Mia I. Gerhardt, The Art of Story-telling (1963)
  • [H] = Habicht Translation, 15 vols (1824-25)
  • [Kirby] = W. F. Kirby, “Contributions to the Bibliography of the 1001 Nights” (Burton, 1885, X: 514-31)
  • [M] = Mardrus Translation, 16 vols (1899-1904)
  • [PI-III] = Tales from the Arabic, trans. John Payne, 3 vols (1884)
  • [P2] = Alaeddin & Zein ul Asnam, trans. John Payne (1889)
  • [Reinhardt] = Aboubakr Chraïbi, Contes nouveaux des 1001 Nuits: Étude du manuscrit Reinhardt (1996)
  • [S] = Tales, Anecdotes and Letters, trans. Jonathan Scott (1800)
  • [T] = Felix Tauer, Neue Erzählungen aus den 1001 Nächten, 2 vols (1982)
  • [Tr] = Trébutien Translation, 3 vols (1828)
  • [W] = Weil Translation, 4 vols (1838-41)
  • [WM] = Wortley-Montague Ms., 7 vols (1764-65)
  • [ZER] = ‘Zotenberg’s Egyptian Recension’ (Paris, 1888)

Key to Numbering:

  • Ross = Decimal numbers
  • Encyclopedia = {curly brackets}
  • Eliséef = [square brackets]
  • Kirby = (parentheses)
  • Burton = Titles
  • Calc. 2 &c. = (Nights)

    Introduction (-)

    0. {1} Story of King Shahryar and his Brother (-)

    1. {2} a) Tale of the Bull and the Ass (-)

    2. {3} b) The Merchant and His Wife (-)

  1. {4} [1] (1) Tale of the Trader and the Jinni (Nights 1-3)

    1. {5} a) The First Shaykh's Story (Night 1)

    2. {6} b) The Second Shaykh's Story (Night 2)

    3. {7} c) The Third Shaykh's Story (Nights 2-3)

  2. {8} [2] (2) The Fisherman and the Jinni (Nights 3-9)

    1. {9} a) Tale of the Wazir and the Sage Duban (Nights 4-6)

      1. {10} a1) Story of King Sindibad and his Falcon (Night 5)

      2. {11} a2) Tale of the Husband and the Parrot (Night 5)

      3. {12} a3) Tale of the Prince and the Ogress (Night 5)

    2. {13} b) Tale of the Ensorcelled Prince (Nights 7-9)

  3. {14} [3] (3) The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad (Nights 9-19)

    1. {15} a) The First Kalandar's Tale (Nights 11-12)

    2. {16} b) The Second Kalandar's Tale (Nights 12-14)

      1. {17} b1) Tale of the Envier and the Envied (Night 13)

    3. {18} c) The Third Kalandar's Tale (Nights 14-16)

    4. {19} d) The Eldest Lady's Tale (Nights 17-18)

    5. {20} e) Tale of the Portress (Night 18)

      1. e1) Conclusion of the Story of the Porter and Three Ladies (Nights 18-19)

  4. {21} [4] (4) Tale of the Three Apples (Nights 19-20)

  5. {22} [5] (5) Tale of Nur Al-Din and his Son Badr Al-Din Hasan (Nights 20-24)

  6. {23} [6] (6) The Hunchback's Tale (Nights 24-34)

    1. {24} a) The Nazarene Broker's Story (Nights 25-26)

    2. {25} b) The Reeve's Tale (Nights 27-28)

    3. {26} c) Tale of the Jewish Doctor [= (202)] (Nights 28-29)

    4. {27} d) Tale of the Tailor [= 276/h] (Nights 29-33)

    5. {28} e) The Barber's Tale of Himself (Nights 31-33)

      1. {29} e1) The Barber's Tale of his First Brother (Night 31)

      2. {30} e2) The Barber's Tale of his Second Brother (Nights 31-32)

      3. {31} e3) The Barber's Tale of his Third Brother (Night 32)

      4. {32} e4) The Barber's Tale of his Fourth Brother (Night 32)

      5. {33} e5) The Barber's Tale of his Fifth Brother (Nights 32-33)

      6. {34} e6) The Barber's Tale of his Sixth Brother (Night 33)

    6. d1) The End of the Tailor's Tale (Night 33)

  7. {35} [7] (7) Nur Al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis Al-Jalis (Nights 34-38)

  8. {36} [8] (8) Tale of Ghanim Bin Ayyub, the Distraught, the Thrall o' Love (Nights 38-45)

    1. {37} a) Tale of the First Eunuch, Bukhayt (Night 39)

    2. {38} b) Tale of the Second Eunuch, Kafur (Nights 39-40)

  9. {39} [9] (9) Tale of King Omar Bin Al-Nu'uman, and his Sons Sharrkan and Zau Al-Makan (Nights 45-145)

    1. {40} a) Tale of Taj Al-Muluk and the Princess Dunya (Nights 107-37)

      1. {41} a1) Tale of Aziz and Azizah (Nights 112-29)

    2. {42} b) Tale of the Hashish-Eater (Nights 142-43)

    3. {43} c) Tale of Hammad the Badawi (Night 144)

  10. {44} [10] Parables: i) (10) The Birds and Beasts and the Carpenter (Nights 146-47)

  11. {45} (11) The Hermits (Nights 147-48)

    1. [ii] The Hermit and the Pigeons (Nights 147-48)

    2. [iii] The Temptation of the Pious Shepherd (Night 148)

  12. {46} [iv] (12) The Water-fowl and the Tortoise (Night 148)

  13. {47} [v] (13) The Wolf and the Fox (Nights 148-50)

    1. {48} a) Tale of the Falcon and the Partridge (Night 149)

    2. b) The Two Invalids (Night 149)

    3. c) The Man and the Serpent (Night 150)

  14. {49} [vi] (14) The Mouse and the Ichneumon (Night 150)

  15. {50} [vii] (15) The Cat and the Crow (Night 150)

  16. {51} [viii] (16) The Fox and the Crow (Nights 150-52)

    1. {52} a) The Flea and the Mouse (Nights 150-51)

    2. {53} b) The Saker and the Birds (Nights 151-52)

    3. {54} c) The Sparrow and the Eagle (Night 152)

  17. {55} [ix] (17) The Hedgehog and the Wood Pigeons (Night 152)

    1. a) The Seed Badly Sown (Night 152)

    2. {56} b) The Merchant and the Two Sharpers (Night 152)

  18. {57} [x] (18) The Thief and his Monkey (Night 152)

    1. {58} a) The Foolish Weaver (Night 152)

  19. {59} [xi] (19) The Sparrow and the Peacock (Night 152)

  20. {60} [11] (20) Ali Bin Bakkar and Shams Al-Nahar (Nights 153-69)

  21. {61} [12] (21) Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman (Nights 170-249)

    1. {62} a) Ni'amah bin Al-Rabia and Naomi his Slave-Girl (Nights 237-49)

  22. {63} [13] (22) Ala Al-Din Abu Al-Shamat (Nights 249-69)

  23. {64} [14] (23) Hatim of the Tribe of Tayy (Nights 269-71)

  24. {65} [15] (24) Ma'an the Son of Zaidah and the Three Girls (Nights 271-72)

  25. {66} [16] (25) Ma'an son of Zaidah and the Badawi (Night 272)

  26. {67} [17] (26) The City of Labtayt (Nights 272-73)

  27. {68} [18] (27) The Caliph Hisham and the Arab Youth (Night 273)

  28. {69} [19] (28) Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi and the Barber-Surgeon (Nights 273-76)

  29. {70} [20] (29) The City of Many-Columned Iram and Abdullah Son of Abi Kalabah (Nights 276-79)

  30. {71} [21] (30) Isaac of Mosul (Nights 279-82)

  31. {72} [22] (31) The Sweep and the Noble Lady (Nights 282-85)

  32. {73} [23] (32) The Mock Caliph (Nights 285-94)

  33. {74} [24] (33) Ali the Persian [= (207/a)] (Nights 294-96)

  34. {75} [25] (34) Harun Al-Rashid and the Slave-Girl and the Imam Abu Yusuf [= 281/m] (Nights 296-97)

  35. {76} [26] (35) The Lover who feigned himself a Thief (Nights 297-99)

  36. {77} [27] (36) Ja'afar the Barmecide and the Bean-Seller (Night 299)

  37. {78} [28] (37) Abu Mohammed hight Lazybones (Nights 299-305)

  38. {79} [29] (38) Generous dealing of Yahya bin Khalid the Barmecide with Mansur (Nights 305-06)

  39. {80} [30] (39) Generous dealing of Yahya son of Khalid with a man who forged a letter [= (199)] (Nights 306-07)

  40. {81} [31] (40) Caliph Al-Maamun and the Strange Scholar (Nights 307-08)

  41. {82} [32] (41) Ali Shar and Zumurrud (Nights 308-27)

  42. {83} [33] (42) The Loves of Jubayr bin Umayr and the Lady Budur [cf. (147)] (Nights 327-34)

  43. {84} [34] (43) The Man of Al-Yaman and his Six Slave-Girls (Nights 334-38)

  44. {85} [35] (44) Harun Al-Rashid and the Damsel and Abu Nowas (Nights 338-40)

  45. {86} [36] (45) The Man who stole the dish of gold whereon the dog ate (Nights 340-41)

  46. {87} [37] (46) The Sharper of Alexandria and the Chief of Police (Nights 341-42)

  47. {88} [38] (47) Al-Malik Al-Nasir and the Three Chiefs of Police (Nights 342-44)

    1. {89} a) Story of the Chief of the New Cairo Police (Night 342)

    2. {90} b) Story of the Chief of the Bulak Police (Night 343)

    3. {91} c) Story of the Chief of the Old Cairo Police (Night 344)

  48. {92} [39] (48) The Thief and the Shroff (Nights 344-45)

  49. {93} [40] (49) The Chief of the Kus Police and the Sharper (Nights 345-46)

  50. {94} [41] (50) Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi and the Merchant's Sister (Nights 346-47)

  51. {95} [42] (51) The Woman whose hands were cut off for almsgiving (Nights 347-48)

  52. {96} [43] (52) The devout Israelite (Nights 348-49)

  53. {97} [44] (53) Abu Hassan Al-Ziyadi and the Khorasan Man (Nights 349-51)

  54. {98} [45] (54) The Poor Man and his Friend in Need (Night 351)

  55. {99} [46] (55) The Ruined Man who became rich again through a Dream (Nights 351-52)

  56. {100} [47] (56) Caliph Al-Mutawakkil and his Concubine Mahbubah (Nights 352-53)

  57. {101} [48] (57) Wardan the Butcher's Adventure with the Lady and the Bear (Nights 353-55)

  58. {102} [49] (58) The King's Daughter and the Ape (Nights 355-57)

  59. {103} [50] (59) The Ebony Horse (Nights 357-71)

  60. {104} [51] (60) Uns Al-Wujud and the Wazir's Daughter Rose-in-Hood (Nights 371-81)

  61. {105} [52] (61) Abu Nowas with the Three Boys and the Caliph Harun Al-Rashid (Nights 381-83)

  62. {106} [53] (62) Abdullah bin Ma'amar with the Man of Bassorah and his Slave-Girl (Night 383)

  63. {107} [54] (63) The Lovers of the Banu Ozrah (Nights 383-84)

  64. {108} [55] (64) The Wazir of Al-Yaman and his Young Brother (Night 384)

  65. {109} [56] (65) The Loves of the Boy and Girl at School (Nights 384-85)

  66. {110} [57] (66) Al-Mutalammis and His Wife Umaymah (Night 385)

  67. {111} [58] (67) Harun Al-Rashid and Zubaydah in the Bath (Nights 385-86)

  68. {112} [59] (68) Harun Al-Rashid and the Three Poets (Night 386)

  69. {113} [60] (69) Mus'ab bin Al-Zubayr and Ayishah his Wife (Nights 386-87)

  70. {114} [61] (70) Abu Al-Aswad and his Slave-Girl (Night 387)

  71. {115} [62] (71) Harun Al-Rashid and the Two Slave-Girls (Night 387)

  72. {116} [62] (72) Harun Al-Rashid and the Three Slave-Girls (Night 387)

  73. {117} [63] (73) The Miller and his Wife (Nights 387-88)

  74. {118} [64] (74) The Simpleton and the Sharper (Night 388)

  75. {119} [65] (75) The Kazi Abu Yusuf with Harun Al-Rashid and Queen Zubaydah (Nights 388-89)

  76. {120} [68] (76) The Caliph Al-Hakim and the Merchant (Night 389)

  77. {121} [69] (77) King Kisra Anushirwan and the Village Damsel (Nights 389-90)

  78. {122} [70] (78) The Water-Carrier and the Goldsmith's Wife (Nights 390-91)

  79. {123} [71] (79) Khusrau and Shirin and the Fisherman (Night 391)

  80. {124} [72] (80) Yahya bin Khalid and the Poor Man (Nights 391-92)

  81. {125} [73] (81) Mohammed Al-Amin and the Slave-Girl (Night 392)

  82. {126} [74] (82) The Sons of Yahya bin Khalid and Said bin Salim (Nights 392-93)

  83. {127} [75] (83) The Woman's Trick against her Husband [cf. (184)] (Nights 393-94)

  84. {128} [76] (84) The Devout Woman and the Two Wicked Elders (Night 394)

  85. {129} [77] (85) Ja'afar the Barmecide and the Old Badawi (Nights 394-95)

  86. {130} [78] (86) Omar bin Al-Khattab and the Young Badawi (Nights 395-97)

  87. {131} [79] (87) Al-Maamun and the Pyramids of Egypt (Nights 397-98)

  88. {132} [80] (88) The Thief and the Merchant (Nights 398-99)

  89. {133} [81] (89) Masrur the Eunuch and Ibn Al-Karibi (Nights 399-401)

  90. {134} [82] (90) The Devotee Prince (Nights 401-02)

  91. {135} [83] (91) The Schoolmaster who fell in Love by Report (Nights 402-03)

  92. {136} [84] (92) The Foolish Dominie (Night 403)

  93. {137} [85] (93) The Illiterate who set up for a Schoolmaster (Nights 403-04)

  94. {138} [86] (94) The King and the Virtuous Wife (Night 404)

  95. {139} [87] (95) Abd Al-Rahman the Maghribi's Tale of the Rukh (Nights 404-05)

  96. {140} [88] (96) Adi bin Zayd and the Princess Hind (Nights 405-07)

  97. {141} [89] (97) Di'ibil Al-Khuza'i with the Lady and Muslim bin Al-Walid (Night 407)

  98. {142} [90] (98) Isaac of Mosul and the Merchant (Nights 407-09)

  99. {143} [91] (99) The Three Unfortunate Lovers (Nights 409-10)

  100. {144} [-] (100) How Abu Hasan brake Wind (Night 410)

  101. {145} [92] (101) The Lovers of the Banu Tayy (Nights 410-11)

  102. {146} [93] (102) The Mad Lover (Nights 411-12)

  103. {147} [94] (103) The Prior who became a Moslem (Nights 412-14)

  104. {148} [95] (104) The Loves of Abu Isa and Kurrat Al-Ayn (Nights 414-18)

  105. {149} [96] (105) Al-Amin and his Uncle Ibrahim bin Al-Mahdi (Nights 418-19)

  106. {150} [97] (106) Al-Fath bin Khakan and Al-Mutawakkil (Night 419)

  107. {151} [98] (107) The Man's Dispute with a Woman about the relative excellence of the Sexes (Nights 419-23)

  108. {152} [99] (108) Abu Suwayd and the pretty Old Woman (Nights 423-24)

  109. {153} [100] (109) Ali bin Tahir and the girl Muunis (Night 424)

  110. {154} [101] (110) The Woman who had a Boy, and the other who had a Man to Lover (Night 424)

  111. {155} [102] (111) Ali the Cairene and the Haunted House in Baghdad (Nights 424-34)

  112. {156} [103] (112) The Pilgrim Man and the Old Woman (Nights 434-36)

  113. {157} [104] (113) Abu Al-Husn and his Slave-Girl Tawaddud (Nights 434-62)

  114. {158} [105] (114) The Angel of Death with the Proud King and the Devout Man (Night 462)

  115. {159} [106] (115) The Angel of Death and the Rich King (Nights 462-63)

  116. {160} [107] (116) The Angel of Death and the King of the Children of Israel (Nights 463-64)

  117. {161} [108] (117) Iskander zu Al-Karnayn and a certain Tribe of Poor Folk (Night 464)

  118. {162} [109] (118) The Righteousness of King Anushirwan (Nights 464-65)

  119. {163} [110] (119) The Jewish Kazi and his Pious Wife [= (241)] (Nights 465-66)

  120. {164} [111] (120) The Shipwrecked Woman and her Child (Nights 466-67)

  121. {165} [112] (121) The Pious Black Slave (Nights 467-68)

  122. {166} [113] (122) The Devout Tray-maker and his Wife (Nights 468-70)

  123. {167} [114] (123) Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf and the Pious Man (Nights 470-71)

  124. {168} [115] (124) The Blacksmith who could handle Fire without Hurt (Nights 471-73)

  125. {169} [116] (125) The Devotee to whom Allah gave a Cloud for Service and the Devout King (Nights 473-74)

  126. {170} [117] (126) The Moslem Champion and the Christian Damsel (Nights 474-77)

  127. {171} [118] (127) The Christian King's Daughter and the Moslem (Nights 477-78)

  128. {172} [119] (128) The Prophet and the Justice of Providence (Nights 478-79)

  129. {173} [120] (129) The Ferryman of the Nile and the Hermit (Night 479)

  130. {174} [121] (130) The Island King and the Pious Israelite (Nights 479-81)

  131. {175} [122] (131) Abu Al-Hasan and Abu Ja'afar the Leper (Nights 481-82)

  132. {176} [123] (132) The Queen of the Serpents (Nights 482-536)

    1. {177} a) The Adventure of Bulukiya (Nights 486-533)

    2. {178} b) The Story of Janshah (Nights 499-530)

  133. {179} [124] (133) Sindbad the Seaman and Sindbad the Landsman (Nights 537-66)

    1. [A] a) The 1st Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Floating Island] (Nights 538-42)

    2. [B] b) the 2nd Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Valley of Diamonds] (Nights 542-46)

    3. [C] c) The 3rd Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Mountain of Apes and Cannibals] (Nights 546-50)

    4. [D] d) the 4th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [Buried Alive with His Dead Wife] (Nights 550-55)

    5. [E] e) the 5th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Old Man of the Sea] (Nights 556-59)

    6. f) The 6th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Embassy from Serendib (Gerhardt A)] (Galland)

    7. [F] f1) The 6th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [Embassy from the Indies (Gerhardt B)] (Nights 559-63)

    8. [G] g) The 7th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The Elephant's Burial-Place (Gerhardt A)] (Galland)

    9. [H] g1) The 7th Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman [The City of the Flying Men (Gerhardt B)] (Nights 563-66)

  134. {180} [125] (134) The City of Brass (Nights 566-78)

  135. {181} [126] (135) The Craft and Malice of Women (Nights 578-606)

    1. {182} a) The King and his Wazir's Wife (Nights 578-79)

    2. {183} b) The Confectioner, his Wife and the Parrot (Night 579)

    3. {184} c) The Fuller and his Son (Nights 579-80)

    4. {185} d) The Rake's Trick against the Chaste Wife (Night 580)

    5. {186} e) The Miser and the Loaves of Bread (Nights 580-81)

    6. {187} f) The Lady and her Two Lovers (Night 581)

    7. {188} g) The King's Son and the Ogress (Nights 581-82)

    8. {189} h) The Drop of Honey (Night 582)

    9. {190} i) The Woman who made her Husband sift Dust (Night 582)

    10. {191} j) The Enchanted Spring (Nights 582-84)

    11. {192} k) The Wazir's Son and the Hammam-keeper's Wife (Night 584)

    12. {193} l) The Wife's Device to cheat her Husband (Nights 584-86)

    13. {194} m) The Goldsmith and the Cashmere Singing-Girl (Nights 586-87)

    14. {195} n) The Man who never laughed during the rest of his days (Nights 587-91)

    15. {196} o) The King's Son and the Merchant's Wife (Nights 591-92)

    16. {197} p) The Page who feigned to know the Speech of Birds (Night 592)

    17. {198} q) The Lady and her Five Suitors (Nights 593-96)

    18. {199} r) The Three Wishes, or the Man who longed to see the Night of Power (Night 596)

    19. {200} s) The Stolen Necklace (Nights 596-97)

    20. {201} t) The Two Pigeons (Night 597)

    21. {202} u) Prince Behram and the Princess Al-Datma (Nights 597-98)

    22. {203} v) The House with the Belvedere (Nights 598-602)

    23. {204} w) The King's Son and the Ifrit's Mistress (Nights 602-03)

    24. x) The Poisoning (Night 603)

    25. {205} y) The Sandal-wood Merchant and the Sharpers (Nights 603-05)

    26. {206} z) the Debauchee and the Three-year-old Child (Night 605)

    27. {207} aa) The Stolen Purse (Nights 605-06)

    28. {208} bb) The Fox and the Folk (Night 606)

  136. {209} [127] (136) Judar and his Brethren (Nights 606-24)

  137. {210} [128] (137) The History of Gharib and his Brother Ajib (Nights 624-80)

  138. {211} [129] (138) Otbah and Rayya (Nights 680-81)

  139. {212} [130] (139) Hind, daughter of Al-Nu'uman and Al-Hajjaj (Nights 681-82)

  140. {213} [131] (140) Khuzaymah bin Bishr and Ekrimah Al-Fayyaz (Nights 683-84)

  141. {214} [132] (141) Yunus the Scribe and the Caliph Walid bin Sahl (Nights 684-85)

  142. {215} [133] (142) Harun Al-Rashid and the Arab Girl (Nights 685-86)

  143. {216} [134] (143) Al-Asma'i and the Three Girls of Bassorah (Nights 686-87)

  144. {217} [135] (144) Ibrahim of Mosul and the Devil (Nights 687-88)

  145. {218} [136] (145) The Lovers of the Banu Uzrah [= (209/a)] (Nights 688-91)

  146. {219} [137] (146) the Badawi and his Wife (Nights 691-93)

  147. {220} [138] (147) The Lovers of Bassorah [= (216/a)] (Nights 693-95)

  148. {221} [139] (148) Ishak of Mosul and his Mistress and the Devil (Nights 695-96)

  149. {222} [140] (149) The Lovers of Al-Medinah (Nights 696-97)

  150. {223} [141] (150) Al-Malik Al-Nasir and his Wazir (Nights 697-98)

  151. {224} [142] (151) The Rogueries of Dalilah the Crafty & her Daughter Zaynab Coney-Catcher (Nights 698-719)

    1. {225} a) The Adventures of Mercury Ali of Cairo (Nights 708-19)

  152. {226} [143] (152) Ardashir and Hayat Al-Nufus (Nights 719-38)

  153. {227} [144] (153) Julnar the Sea-born and her Son King Badr Basim of Persia (Nights 738-56)

  154. {228} [145] (154) King Mohammed bin Sabaik and the Merchant Hasan (Nights 756-78)

    1. {229} a) Story of Prince Sayf Al-Muluk and the Princess Badi'a Al-Jamal (Nights 758-78)

  155. {230} [146] (155) Hasan of Bassorah (Nights 778-831)

  156. {231} [147] (156) Khalifah the Fisherman of Baghdad (Nights 831-45)

    1. a) The same from the Breslau Edition (B 321-22)

  157. {232} [148] (157) Masrur and Zayn Al-Mawassif (Nights 845-63)

  158. {233} [149] (158) Ali Nur Al-Din and Miriam the Girdle-Girl (Nights 863-94)

  159. {234} [150] (159) The Man of Upper Egypt and his Frankish Wife (Nights 894-96)

  160. {235} [151] (160) The Ruined Man of Baghdad and his Slave-Girl (Nights 896-99)

  161. {236} [152] (161) King Jali'ad of Hind and his Wazir Shimas ... (Nights 900-30)

    1. {237} [152/2] a) The Mouse and the Cat (Nights 901-02)

    2. {238} [152/3] b) The Fakir and his Jar of Butter (Nights 902-03)

    3. {239} [152/4] c) The Fishes and the Crab (Night 903)

    4. {240} [152/5] d) The Crow and the Serpent (Nights 903-04)

    5. {241} [152/6] e) The Wild Ass and the Jackal (Night 904)

    6. {242} [152/7] f) The Unjust King and the Pilgrim Prince (Night 905)

    7. {243} [152/8] g) The Crows and the Hawk (Night 906)

    8. {244} [152/9] h) The Serpent-Charmer and his Wife (Night 907)

    9. {245} [152/10] i) The Spider and the Wind (Night 908)

    10. {246} [152/12] j) The Two Kings (Nights 909-10)

    11. {247} [152/13] k) The Blind Man and the Cripple (Night 910)

    12. [152/15] l) The Lion and the Hunter (Night 911)

    13. {248} [152/16] m) The Foolish Fisherman (Night 918)

    14. {249} [152/17] n) The Boy and the Thieves (Night 918-19)

    15. {250} [152/19] o) The Man and his Wife (Nights 919-20)

    16. {251} [152/20] p) The Merchant and the Robbers (Night 920)

    17. {252} [152/21] q) The Jackals and the Wolf (Night 921)

    18. {253} [152/22] r) The Shepherd and the Rogue (Nights 921-22)

    19. {254} [152/23] s) The Francolin and the Tortoises (Night 924)

  162. {255} [153] (162) Abu Kir the Dyer and Abu Sir the Barber (Nights 930-40)

  163. {256} [154] (163) Abdullah the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman (Nights 940-46)

  164. {257} [155] (164) Harun Al-Rashid and Abu Hasan, the Merchant of Oman (Nights 946-52)

  165. {258} [156] (165) Ibrahim and Jamilah (Nights 952-59)

  166. {259} [157] (166) Abu Al-Hasan of Khorasan (Nights 959-63)

  167. {260} [158] (167) Kamar Al-Zaman and the Jeweller's Wife (Nights 963-78)

  168. {261} [159] (168) Abdullah bin Fazil and his Brothers (Nights 978-89)

  169. {262} [160] (169) Ma'aruf the Cobbler and his Wife Fatimah (Nights 989-1001)

  170. {263} [66] (170) The Sleeper and the Waker (B 272-91)

    1. {264} [67] a) Story of the Larrikin and the Cook (B 273)

  171. {265} (171) The Caliph Omar bin Abd Al-Aziz and the Poets (B 432-34)

  172. {266} (172) Al-Hajjaj and the Three Young Men (B 434)

  173. {267} (173) Harun Al-Rashid and the Woman of the Barmecides (B 434)

  174. {268} (174) The Ten Wazirs; or The History of King Azadbakht and his Son (B 435-87)

    1. a) Of the Uselessness of Endeavour against Persistent Ill Fortune (B 440)

      1. {269} {a1) Story of the Merchant who Lost his Luck (B 440)

    2. b) Of Looking to the Ends of Affairs (B 444)

      1. {270} b1) Tale of the Merchant and his Sons (B 444) )

    3. c) Of the Advantages of Patience (B 448)

      1. {271} c1) Story of Abu Sabir (B 448) )

    4. d) Of the Ill Effects of Impatience (B 453)

      1. {272} d1) Story of Prince Bihzad (B 453) )

    5. e) Of the Issues of Good and Evil Actions (B 455)

      1. {273} e1) Story of King Dadbin and his Wazirs (B 455) )

    6. f) Of Trust in Allah (B 461)

      1. {274} f1) Story of King Bakhtzaman (B 461) )

    7. g) Of Clemency (B 464)

      1. {275} g1) Story of King Bihkard (B 464) )

    8. h) Of Envy and Malice (B 466)

      1. {276} h1) Story of Aylan Shah and Abu Tammam (B 466) )

    9. i) Of Destiny or that which is Written on the Forehead (B 471)

      1. {277} i1) Story of King Ibrahim and his Son (B 471) )

    10. j) Of the Appointed Term, which, if it be Advanced, may not be Deferred ... (B 475)

      1. {278} j1) Story of King Sulayman Shah and his Niece (B 475) )

    11. k) Of the Speedy Relief of Allah (B 485)

      1. {279} k1) Story of the Prisoner and how Allah gave him Relief (B 485)

  175. {280} (175) Ja'afar bin Yahya and Abd Al-Malik bin Salih the Abbaside (B 565)

  176. {281} (176) Al-Rashid and the Barmecides (B 567)

  177. {282} (177) Ibn Al-Sammak and Al-Rashid (B 568)

  178. {283} (178) Al-Maamun and Zubaydah (B 568)

  179. {284} (179) Al-Nu'uman and the Arab of the Banu Tay (B 660-61)

  180. {285} (180) Firuz and his Wife (B 675-76)

  181. {286} (181) King Shah Bakht and his Wazir Al-Rahwan (B 885-930)

    1. {287} a) Tale of the Man of Khorasan, his Son and his Tutor (B 886)

    2. {288} b) Tale of the Singer and the Druggist (B 888)

    3. {289} c) Tale of the King who Kenned the Quintessence of Things (B 891)

    4. {290} d) Tale of the Richard who Married his Beautiful Daughter to the Poor Old Man (B 892)

    5. {291} e) Tale of the Sage and his Three Sons (B 893)

    6. {292} f) Tale of the Prince who fell in love with the Picture (B 894)

    7. {293} g) Tale of the Fuller and his Wife and the Trooper (B 896)

    8. {294} h) Tale of the Merchant, the Crone and the King (B 896)

    9. {295} i) Tale of the Simpleton Husband [= (216/e)] (B 898)

    10. {296} j) Tale of the Unjust King and the Tither (B 899)

    11. {297} j1) Story of David and Solomon (B 899)

    12. {298} k) Tale of the Robber and the Woman (B 899)

    13. {299} l) Tale of the Three men and our Lord Isa (B 901)

    14. {300} l1) The Disciple's Story (B 901)

    15. {301} m) Tale of the Dethroned Ruler whose Reign and Wealth were Restored to Him (B 901)

    16. {302} n) Tale of the Man whose Caution slew him (B 903)

    17. {303} o) Tale of the Man who was lavish of his House and his Provision (B 904)

    18. {304} p) Tale of the Melancholist and the Sharper (B 905)

    19. {305} q) Tale of Khalbas and his Wife and the Learned Man (B 906)

    20. {306} r) Tale of the Devotee accused of Lewdness (B 907)

    21. {307} s) Tale of the Hireling and the Girl (B 909)

    22. {308} t) Tale of the Weaver who became a Leach by Order of his Wife (B 909)

    23. {309} u) Tale of the Two Sharpers who each cozened his Compeer (B 911)

    24. {310} v) Tale of the Sharpers with the Shroff and the Ass (B 914)

    25. {311} w) Tale of the Cheat and the Merchants (B 915)

      1. {312} w1) Story of the Falcon and the Locust (B 916)

    26. {313} x) Tale of the King and his Chamberlain's Wife (B 917)

      1. {314} x1) Story of the Crone and the Draper's Wife (B 917)

    27. {315} y) Tale of the Ugly Man and his Beautiful Wife (B 918)

    28. {316} z) Tale of the King who Lost Kingdom and Wife and Wealth and Allah Restored them (B 919)

      1. {317} z1) Tale of Salim the Youth of Khorasan and Salma, his Sister (B 922)

      2. {318} z2) Tale of the King of Hind and his Wazir (B 928)

  182. {319} [164] (182) Bibars Al-Bundukari & the 16 Policemen [= 279] (B 930-40)

    1. {320} a) First Constable's History [= (227)] (B 930)

    2. {321} b) Second Constable's History (B 932)

    3. {322} c) Third Constable's History (B 932)

    4. {323} d) Fourth Constable's History (B 934)

    5. {324} e) Fifth Constable's History (B 934)

    6. {325} f) Sixth Constable's History (B 934)

    7. {326} g) Seventh Constable's History (B 934)

    8. {327} h) Eighth Constable's History (B 935)

      1. {328} h1) The Thief's Tale (B 938)

    9. {329} i) Ninth Constable's History (B 938)

    10. {330} j) Tenth Constable's History (B 938)

    11. {331} k) Eleventh Constable's History (B 938)

    12. {332} l) Twelfth Constable's History (B 939)

    13. {333} m) Thirteenth Constable's History (B 939)

    14. {334} n) Fourteenth Constable's History (B 939)

      1. {335} n1) A Merry Jest of a Clever Thief (B 940)

      2. {336} n2) Tale of the Old Sharper (B 940)

    15. {337} o) Fifteenth Constable's History (B 940)

    16. {338} p) Sixteenth Constable's History (B 940)

  183. (183) Tale of Harun Al-Rashid and Abdullah bin Nafi (B 941-57)

    1. {339} a) Tale of the Damsel Tohfat Al-Kulub and the Caliph Harun Al-Rashid (B 942-57)

  184. {340} (184) Women's Wiles [= (204/d)] (C1 196-200)

  185. {341} (185) Nur Al-Din Ali of Damascus and the Damsel Sitt Al-Milah (B 958-65)

  186. {342} (186) Tale of King Ins bin Kays and his Daughter with the Son of King Al-'Abbás (B 966-79)

  187. (187) Tale of the Two Kings and the Wazir's Daughters (B 1001)

  188. {343} (188) The Concubine and the Caliph (B 1001)

  189. {344} (189) The Concubine of Al-Maamun (B 1001)

  190. (190) Conclusion (–)

  191. {345} (191) The Tale of Zayn Al-Asnam (Galland)

  192. {347} [167] (192) Khudadad and his Brothers (Galland)

    1. {348} a) History of the Princess of Daryabar (Galland)

  193. {346} [161] (193) Alaeddin; or, the Wonderful Lamp (Galland)

  194. {349} [166] (194) The Caliph's Night Adventure (Galland)

    1. {350} a) The Story of the Blind Man, Baba Abdullah (Galland)

    2. {351} b) History of Sidi Nu'uman (Galland)

    3. {352} c) History of Khwajah Hasan Al-Habbal (Galland)

  195. {353} [162] (195) Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Galland)

  196. {354} [168] (196) Ali Khwajah and the Merchant of Baghdad (Galland)

  197. {355} [163] (197) Prince Ahmad and the Fairy Peri-Banu (Galland)

  198. {356} [165] (198) The Two Sisters who Envied their Cadette (Galland)

  199. (199) Weil's Anecdote of Ja'afar the Barmecide [= (39)] (W 483)

  200. {442} (200) Weil's Adventures of Ali and Zaher of Damascus (W 834-68)

    1. a) The Story of Tarad (W 848-50)

  201. {445} (201) Weil's Adventures of the Fisherman, Judar of Cairo, with Mahmood and Beibars (W 881-917)

    1. a) Mahmood's Story (W 885-88)

    2. b) The Story of Queen Daruma (W 895-96)

    3. c) The Story of Taj Al-Muluk, King of Tauris (W 905-07)

    4. d) The Story of the Golden Castle (W 915-17)

  202. (202) The Physician and the young man of Mosul [= (6/c)] (WM 92)

  203. {357} (203) Story of the Sultan of Al-Yaman and his Three Sons (WM 329-34)

  204. {358} (204) Story of the Three Sharpers (WM 334-42)

    1. {359} a) The Sultan who fared forth in the Habit of a Darwaysh (WM 342)

    2. {360} b) History of Mohammed, Sultan of Cairo (WM 343-48)

    3. {361} c) Story of the First Lunatic (WM 348-55)

    4. {362} d) Story of the Second Lunatic [= (184)] (WM 355-57)

    5. {363} e) Story of the Sage and the Scholar (WM 357-62)

    6. {364} f) The Night-Adventure of Sultan Mohammed of Cairo with the three Foolish Schoolmasters (WM 362)

    7. {365} g) Story of the Broke-back Schoolmaster (WM 363)

    8. {366} h) Story of the Split-mouthed Schoolmaster (WM 363 )

    9. {367} i) Story of the Limping Schoolmaster (WM 364-65)

    10. j) The Sultan's second visit to the Sisters (WM 366)

    11. {368} k) Story of the Three Sisters and their Mother the Sultanah (WM 366-86)

  205. {369} (205) History of the Kazi who bare a Babe (WM 386-92)

  206. {370} (206) Tale of the Kazi and the Bhang-Eater (WM 392-403)

    1. {371} a) History of the Bhang-Eater and his Wife (WM 397-400)

    2. {372} b) How Drummer Abu Kasim became a Kazi (WM 400-12)

    3. {373} c) Story of the Kazi and his Slipper (WM 401-02)

    4. d) Tale of the Bhang-Eater (WM 402-09)

      1. d1) Who became the Just Wazir and who decided two difficult Cases (WM 409-11)

  207. (207) The Sultan and the Traveller Mahmud the 'Ajamí (WM 412)

    1. a) Tale of Mahmud the Persian and the Kurd Sharper [= (33)] (WM 413-16)

    2. b) Tale of the Sultan and the Poor Man who brought to him Fruit (WM 416-25)

    3. {374} c) Tale of the Sultan and his Three Sons and the Enchanting Bird (WM 417-26)

    4. d) Adventure of the Fruit-Seller and the Concubine (WM 425)

    5. {375} e) Story of the King of Al-Yaman and his Three Sons and the Enchanting Bird (WM 426-39)

    6. {376} f) History of the First Larrikin (WM 439-43)

    7. {377} g) History of the Second Larrikin (WM 443-45)

    8. {378} h) History of the Third Larrikin (WM 445-46)

    9. {379} i) Story of a Sultan of Al-Hind and his Son Mohammed (WM 446-58)

  208. {380} (208) j) Tale of the Fisherman and his Son (WM 459-69)

    1. {381} k) Tale of the Third Larrikin concerning Himself (WM 469-72)

  209. {382} (209) History of Abu Niyyah and Abu Niyyatayn (WM 472-83)

    1. a) The Courtier's Story, or Tale of the Nadím to the Emir of Cairo [= (145)] (WM 483-91)

    2. b) Another relation of the Courtier (WM 491)

    3. c) The Shaykh with Beard shorn by the Shaytan (WM 492)

  210. {383} (210) The History of the King's Son of Sind and the Lady Fatimah (WM 492-501)

  211. {384} (211) History of the Lovers of Syria (WM 501-10)

  212. {385} (212) History of Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf and the Young Sayyid (WM 510-20)

    1. a) Story of the Sultan's Son and Daughter of the Wazir (WM 541-45)

  213. (213) Tale of Sultan Káyyish (WM 545-57)

  214. (214) The Young Lady transformed into a Gazelle by her Step-mother (WM 558-63)

  215. (215) The History of Mázin (WM 548-624)

  216. {386} (216) Night Adventure of Harun Al-Rashid and the Youth Manjab (WM 625-50)

    1. a) The Loves of the Lovers of Bassorah [= (147)] (WM 626-33)

    2. b) Night Adventure of Harun Al-Rashid (WM 633-38)

    3. c) Tale told by Manjab (WM 639-50)

    4. {387} d) Story of the Darwaysh and the Barber's Boy and the Greedy Sultan (WM 651-55)

    5. {388} e) Tale of the Simpleton Husband [= (181/i)] (WM 655-56)

    6. f) Story of the Wife and her two Gallants (WM 656-60)

  217. {389} (217) The Loves of Al-Hayfa and Yusuf [= (242/a)] (WM 660-710)

  218. {390} (218) The Three Princes of China (WM 710-17)

  219. (219) History of the first Brave (WM 717-22)

  220. (220) History of another Brave (WM 722-23)

  221. (221) The Merry Adventures of a Simpleton (WM 723-26)

  222. (222) The Goodwife of Cairo and the three Rakehells (WM 726-28)

  223. {391} (223) The Righteous Wazir wrongfully gaoled (WM 728-38)

  224. {392} (224) The Cairene Youth, the Barber and the Captain (WM 733-38)

  225. {393} (225) The Goodwife of Cairo and her Four Gallants (WM 738-43)

    1. {394} a) The Tailor and the Lady and the Captain (WM 742-46)

    2. {395} b) The Syrian and the Three Women of Cairo (WM 746-49)

    3. {396} c) The Lady with Two Coyntes (WM 749-52)

    4. {397} d) The Whorish Wife who vaunted her Virtue (WM 752-55)

  226. {398} (226) Cœlebs the Droll and his Wife and her Four Lovers (WM 755-60)

  227. {399} (227) The Gate-Keeper of Cairo and the cunning She-Thief [= (182/a)] (WM 759-65)

  228. {400} (228) Tale of Mohsin and Musa (WM 765-72)

  229. {401} (229) Mohammed the Shalabi and his Mistress and his Wife (WM 772-77)

  230. {402} (230) The Fellah and his wicked Wife (WM 777-780)

  231. {403} (231) The Woman who humoured her Lover at her Husband's Expense (WM 780-81)

  232. {404} (232) The Kazi schooled by his Wife (WM 781-85)

  233. {405} (233) The Merchant's Daughter and the Prince of Al-Irak (WM 785-824)

  234. (234) The Story of Ahmad and Ali who cuckolded their Masters (WM 824-29)

  235. (235) The Fellah and his fair Wife (WM 829-30)

  236. {406} (236) Story of the Youth who would futter his Father's Wives (WM 830-38)

  237. {407} (237) Story of the Two Lack-Tacts of Cairo and Damascus (WM 838-40)

  238. (238) The Tale of Musa and Ibrahim, including Anecdotes of the Berberines (WM 840-43)

  239. (239) The Brother Wazirs, Ahmad and Mohammed (WM 843-95)

    1. a) The Story of the Unfaithful Wife (WM 895-97)

  240. (240) Story of the thieving Youth and his Step-mother (WM 897-900)

  241. (241) The Kazi of Baghdad and his virtuous Wife [= (119)] (WM 900-911)

    1. {408} a) Tale of Himself told by the King (WM 911-17)

    2. b) The Sultan of Al-'Irák, Zunnár ibn Zunnár (WM 917-21)

  242. (242) Story of Shaykh Nakkit the Fisherman (WM 968-78)

    1. a) The Sultan of Andalusia and the Prince of Al-'Irák [= (217)] (WM 978-88)

  243. (243) Tale of Sultan Taylún and the generous Fellah (WM 988-94)

  244. (244) The retired Sage and his Servant-lad (WM 998)

  245. (245) The Merchant's Daughter who married an Emperor of China (WM 998-1001)

  246. {410} (246) The History of Al-Bundukani (H 528-30)

  247. {412} (247) The Warlock and Cook of Baghdad (Chavis)

  248. {409} (248) The Say of Haykar the Sage (H 561-68)

  249. {415}(249) The Tale of Attaf (H 546-49)

  250. {416} (250) The History of Prince Habib (H 512-17)

    1. a) The History of Durrat Al-Ghawwas (H 513)

  251. {434} (251) The Forty Wazirs (H 14-19)

    1. {435} a) Story of Shaykh Shahabeddin (H 14)

    2. {436} b) Story of the Gardener, his Son, and the Ass (H 14)

    3. {437} c) The Sultan Mahmoud and his Wazir (H 14)

    4. {438} d) Story of the Brahman Padmanaba and the young Fyquai (H 14)

    5. e) Story of Sultan Akshid (H 14)

    6. {439} f) Story of the Husband, the Lover and the Thief (H 15)

    7. {418} g) Story of the Prince of Carisme and the Princess of Georgia (H 16-17)

    8. {440} h) The Cobbler and the King's Daughter (H 17)

    9. i) The Woodcutter and the Genius (H 18)

    10. {441} j) The Royal Parrot (H 18)

  252. {419} (252) Story of the King and Queen of Abyssinia (H 448-51)

  253. {420} The Sultan and His Storyteller (H 11: 164-205)

  254. {421} (253) Story of Princess Amina (H 498-512)

    1. a) Story of the Princess of Tartary (H 503-22)

    2. {422} b) Story told by the Old Man's Wife (H 507-09)

  255. {423} (254) Story of Ali Johari (H 517-23)

  256. {424} (255) Story of the two Princes of Cochin China (H 531-35)

  257. {425} (256) Story of the two Husbands (H 535-40)

    1. {426} a) Story of Abdallah (H 537-38)

    2. {427} b) Story of the Favourite (H 539)

  258. {428} (257) Story of Yusuf and the Indian Merchant (H 540-42)

  259. {429} (258) Story of Prince Benazir (H 542-45)

  260. {430} (259) Story of Selim, Sultan of Egypt (H 553-60)

    1. {431} a) Story of the Cobbler's Wife (H 554-55)

    2. {432} b) Story of Adileh (H 555-56)

    3. {433} c) Story of the scarred Kalender (H 556-58)

    4. d) Continuation of the Story of Selim (H 558-60)

  261. (260) Story of Seif Sul Yesn (H 884)

  262. (261) Story of the Labourer and the Chair (Anderson)

  263. (262) Story of Ahmed the Orphan (Anderson)

  264. {417} Story of the Three Princes and the Genius Morhagian and His Daughters (Galland)

  265. {411} The Linguist-Dame, the Duenna and the King's Son (Chavis)

  266. {413} The Pleasant History of the Cock and the Fox (Chavis)

  267. {414} History of What Befel the Fowl-let with the Fowler (Chavis)

  268. The Idiot; or, Story of Xailoun (Chavis)

  269. Adventures of Alibengiad, Sultan of Herat, and of the False Birds of Paradise (Chavis)

  270. History of the Family of the Schebandad of Surat (Chavis)

    1. a) The Lover of the Stars: or, Abil Hasan's Story (Chavis)

    2. b) History of Captain Tranchemont and his Brave Companions: Debil Hasan's Story (Chavis)

    3. c) The Dream of Valid Hasan (Chavis)

  271. History of Maugraby; or, The Magician (Chavis)

    1. a) History of Halaiaddin, Prince of Persia (Chavis)

    2. b) History of Yemaladdin, Prince of Great Katay (Chavis)

    3. c) History of Baha-Ildur, Prince of Cinigae (Chavis)

    4. d) History of Badvildinn, Prince of Tartary (Chavis)

    5. e) History of Shahadildin, Prince of Damascus (Chavis)

    6. f) The Amours of Maugraby with Auhata al-Kawakik, daughter of the King of Egypt (Chavis)

    7. g) History of the Birth of Maugraby (Chavis)

  272. {443} Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (W 868-77)

    1. a) The Death and Downfall of Solomon (W 873-74)

    2. b) The Story of the Deceitful Widow (W 874-77)

  273. {444} The Story of Ibn Tamim Addari, the Companion of the Prophet (W 878-81)

  274. {446} The Adventures of Sultan Zaher Beibars (W 937-95)

    1. a) The History of the Moslems from the Death of Mohammed (W 937-41)

    2. b) The Despicable Priest Djawan, the Betrayer (W 941-45)

    3. c) The Early Life of Schahin, and his First Meeting with Djawan (W 945-47)

    4. d) Salech's Dream, the Birth of Beibars and his Adventures until his Arrival in Egypt (W 947-48)

    5. e) Youth and Upbringing of Zaher Beibars (W 948-56)

    6. f) Djawan and Eibek's Plot against Beibars, and his Gradual Rise (W 956-62)

    7. g) Beibars' Adventure with Maruf and the Genoese Princess Mariam (W 962-66)

    8. h) Beibars Becomes Governor of Alexandria, Meets his Brother and Uncle, Travels to Genoa (W 966-70)

    9. i) Djawan's New Plot, Salech's Death and Beibars' Dream (W 970-77)

    10. j) Beibars' Adventures in Syria with Hasan, Schiha and Aischa (W 977-82)

  275. {447} Ali the Fisherman (W 995-98)

  276. {448} Satilatlas and Hamamatelliwa (W 998-1001)

  277. {449} The Parable of True Learning (M 774)

  278. {450} The Keys of Destiny (M 788-94)

  279. The Diwan of Easy Jests and Laughing Wisdom (M 794-806)

    1. {451} a) Buhlûl the Jester (M 795)

    2. {452} b) The Tale of the Kadi-Mule (M 800-01)

    3. {453} c) The Kadi and the Ass's Foal (M 802-03)

    4. {454} d) The Tale of the Astute Kadi (M 803-04)

    5. {455} e) The Man Who Understood Women (M 804-06)

  280. {456} The Two Lives of Sultan Mahmûd (M 819-21)

  281. {457} The Tale of the Unending Treasure (M 821-26)

  282. {458} The Youth Behind Whom Chinese and Indian Airs were Played (M 866-68)

  283. {459} The Tale of Princess Zulaikah (M 876-81)

  284. Sweet Tales of Careless Youth (M 881-94)

    1. {460} a) Hard-Head and his Sister Little-Foot (M 881-82)

    2. {461} b) The Anklet (M 882-83)

    3. {462} c) The He-Goat and the King's Daughter (M 883-86)

    4. {463} d) The Prince and the Tortoise (M 886-88)

    5. {464} e) The Chick-Pea Seller's Daughter (M 888-89)

    6. {465} f) The Looser (M 889-90)

    7. {466} g) The Captain of Police (M 890-91)

    8. {467} h) The Gelded Barber [= (6/d)] (M 892-93)

  285. {468} The Splendid Tale of Prince Diamond (M 904-22)

  286. {469} Some Jests and Suggestions of the Master of Shifts and Laughter (M 922-26)

  287. The Tale of Al-Malik Baibars and His Captains of Police [= (182)] (M 937-54)

    1. {470} a) The Second Captain's Tale (M 939-40)

    2. {471} b) The Third Captain's Tale (M 940-41)

    3. {472} c) The Fourth Captain's Tale (M 941-43)

    4. {473} d) The Fifth Captain's Tale (M 943-45)

    5. {474} e) The Sixth Captain's Tale (M 945-48)

    6. {475} f) The Eighth Captain's Tale (M 948-50)

    7. {476} g) The Ninth Captain's Tale (M 950-51)

    8. {477} h) The Tenth Captain's Tale (M 951-52)

    9. {478} i) The Eleventh Captain's Tale (M 952)

    10. {479} j) The Twelfth Captain's Tale (M 952-54)

  288. {480} The Tale of the Sea Rose of the Girl of China (M 954-59)

  289. {481} Windows on the Garden of History (M 971-94)

    1. {482} a) The Poet Duraid, His Generosity, and His Love for Tumadir al-Khansah (M 972-74)

    2. {483} b) Ufairah the Suns, and Hudhailah the Moons, the Warrior Daughters of the Poet Find (M 974-75)

    3. {484} c) The Love Story of Princess Fatimah and the Poet Murakkish (M 975-76)

    4. {485} d) The Vengeance of King Hujr (M 976-77)

    5. {486} e) Men in the Judgement of Their Wives (M 977-78)

    6. {487} f) Tales of Umar ibn al-Khattab (M 978-80)

    7. {488} g) Blue Salamah the Singer (M 980-81)

    8. {489} h) The Tale of the Parasite (M 981-82)

    9. {490} i) The Tale of the Slave of Destiny (M 982-84)

    10. {491} j) The Tale of the Fatal Collar (M 984-86)

    11. {492} k) Ishak of Mosul and the Lost Melody (M 986-88)

    12. {493} l) The Two Dancers (M 988-89)

    13. m) The Pistachio Oil Cream and the Legal Point [= (34)] (M 989-91)

    14. n) The Arab Girl at the Fountain (M 991-93)

  290. {494} The End of Ja’afar and the Barmakids (M 994-998)

  291. {495} The Tender Tale of Prince Jasmine and Princess Almond (M 998-1001)

  292. {496} The Vizier’s Clever Daughter (WM 341-47)

  293. {497} Sultan Qáyish, His Borther Ardashir and the Emir ’Urwa (WM 350-67)

  294. {498} The Maiden Who Was Transformed into a Gazelle (WM 368-74)

  295. {499} The Wife and Her Two Lovers (WM 422-28)

  296. {500} The Ten Slave-Girls (WM 498-515)

  297. {501} The Admonished Adulteress (WM 528-32)

  298. {502} The Coward Belied by His Wife (WM 533-35)

  299. {503} The Numskull Who Does Not Count the Ass He Is Sitting On (WM 535-40)

  300. {504} The Three Corpses (WM 540-44)

  301. {505} ‘Ali with the Large Member (WM 682-92)

  302. {506} The Peasant’s Beautiful Wife (WM 692-96)

  303. {507} Mûsâ and Ibrâhîm (WM 710-800)

    1. {508} The Stupid Berbers (WM 712-15)

    2. {509} The Two Viziers and Their Children (WM 715-97)

    3. {510} The Love Exposed by Way of a Special Perfume (WM 797-800)

  304. {511} The Silly Woman Who Wanted to Blind her Stepson (WM 800-05)

  305. {512} Oft-Proved Fidelity (WM 805-42)

    1. {513} Zunnâr ibn Zunnâr (WM 834-42)

  306. {514} Shaykh Nakkît (WM 842-919)

    1. {515} Sitt al-Banât and the King of Irak’s Son (WM 861-82)

    2. {516} Sultan Taylun and the Generous Man (WM 883-94)

    3. {517} The Soothsayer and His Apprentice (WM 894-903)

    4. {518} The Merchant’s Daughter Who Married the King of China (WM 904-19)

  307. {519} Hasan, the Love-stricken (Reinhardt)

  308. {520} Hasan, the Old Poet (Reinhardt)

  309. {521} Yâsamîn and Husayn the Butcher (Reinhardt)

  310. {522} Muhammad of Damascus and Sa‘d of Baghdad (Reinhardt)

  311. {523} Qamar al-Zamân and Shams (Reinhardt)

  312. {524} Alexander the Great and the Water of Life (Reinhardt)

  313. {525} Solomon (Reinhardt)

  314. {526} King Sabâ (Reinhardt)

  315. {527} Alexander the Great (Reinhardt)

  316. {528} Hâyid’s Expedition to the Sources of the Nile (Reinhardt)

  317. {529} The Barmakids (Reinhardt)

  318. {530} Abû Hasan, the Old Man Who Bemoans Ja‘far (Reinhardt)

  319. {531} Al-Mundhir ibn al-Mughîra who Bemoans Ja‘far (Reinhardt)

  320. {532} Al-Ma’mûn and the Parasite (Reinhardt)

  321. {533} ‘Alî al-Khawâja (Reinhardt)

  322. {534} Hasan, the Youth Whose Wishes Are Fulfilled (Reinhardt)

  323. {535} Zahr al-Rawd (Reinhardt)

  324. {536} Sayf ibn Dhî Yazan (Reinhardt)

  325. {537} ‘Abbâs (Reinhardt)

  326. {538} Ma‘dîkarib (Reinhardt)

  327. {539} Ma‘n Obtains Pardon for a Rebel (Reinhardt)

  328. {540} It is Impossible to Arouse the Anger of Ma‘n (Reinhardt)

  329. {541} Ishâq and the Roses (Reinhardt)

  330. {542} The Kiss (Reinhardt)

  331. {543} al-Ma’mûn and the Kilabite Girl (Reinhardt)

  332. {544} Sayf al-Tijân (Reinhardt)

  333. {545} Hasan, the King of Egypt (Reinhardt)

  334. {546} Fâris al-Khayl and al-Badr al-Fâyiq (Reinhardt)

  335. {547} Mâlik ibn Mîrdas (Reinhardt)

  336. {548} Sirkhâb and Aftûna (Reinhardt)

  337. {549} Dâmire and al- ‘Anqâ’ (Reinhardt)

  338. {550} Mahmûd and His Three Sons (Reinhardt)

  339. {551} The Omanite (Reinhardt)


Unknown said...

Is anyone familiar with a story form the "1001 Nights" called "the Tale of the Abyssinian Milkers."

Dr Jack Ross said...

I'm guessing that you're kidding, but I'm not quite sure. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't ring a bell -- and the Arabian Nights Encyclopedia seems not to know about it, either ...